

Learn Russian

I Love my House - YA lyublyu moy dom: Dual Language Children's Picture book: English-Russian / Angliyskiy-Russkiy 

I Love my House - Let Rosie show you around her house.

You will meet Rosie’s family, and learn about the fun things that they love to do at home.

This is the dual language version of the book. Perfect for your bilingual little ones. 
YA lyublyu moy dom - Pust' Rozi pokazhet tebe svoy dom.

Vy vstretites' s sem'yey Rozi i uznayete ob interesnykh veshchakh, kotoryye oni lyubyat delat' doma.

Eto dvuyazychnaya versiya knigi. Ideal'no podkhodit dlya detey, kotoryye vladeyut dvumya yazykami.

Learn Russian Vocabulary - Animals

Russian made easy

This book will teach you the Russian names for a wide selection of insects, birds and mammals from around the world. 

A deck of Flashcards in eBook form featuring bright and colorful cartoon illustrations, suitable for young children and beginners of all ages.

A perfect introduction to the Russian language for your little ones. 

The flashcards feature a rough pronunciation guide beneath each Russian word, using phonetic English to give the reader a basic understanding of how the word should be pronounced .

After reading through the book a few times, children should begin to recognize the Russian words by sight.

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Also available on:
Amazon Kindle Ibooks

 Nook Kobo

Learn Russian Vocabulary - Household items

Around 100 everyday household items on illustrated flashcards.

An excellent way for children and grown-ups to expand their Russian vocabulary. 

The crisp and colorful illustrations look good on both color and black and white screens.

As there is no audio within the book, a handy pronunciation guide for English speakers is written directly beneath each Russian word.
A perfect addition to your Russian study materials.

Use code QVEUHCVK for a 15% discount
Click here for Amazon link.

Also available on:
Amazon Kindle Ibooks

 Nook Kobo

Learn Russian Vocabulary - Clothing

This book focuses on the Russian names for common articles of western clothing and accessories. 

A deck of Flashcards in eBook form featuring bright and colorful cartoon illustrations, suitable for young children and beginners of all ages.

A perfect introduction to the Russian language for your little ones. 

The flashcards feature a rough pronunciation guide beneath each Russian word, using phonetic English to give the reader a basic understanding of how the word should be pronounced.

Learn Russian Vocabulary - Numbers, Shapes and Colours

This book helps your child to learn to read and pronounce the names of various numbers, shapes and colors in Russian.

A deck of Flashcards in eBook form featuring bright and colorful cartoon illustrations, suitable for young children and beginners of all ages.

A perfect introduction to the Russian language for your little ones. 

The flashcards feature a rough pronunciation guide beneath each Russian word, using phonetic English to give the reader a basic understanding of how the word should be pronounced.

Use code QVEUHCVK for a 15% discount

Also available on:
Amazon Kindle Ibooks

 Nook Kobo